Category_Hydrus Edge RSS

Category_Dehydration, Category_Hydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, cellular hydration, dehydration, hydration, water, water absorption, water loss, water myths -

Water is the essence of life. It's essential to our body's function and our vitality. Without it, not a single living thing in this world exists. Nearly 70% of the human body is composed of water. All of the body's physical systems rely on it to function correctly. But have you ever wondered how our body absorbs water? Or what happens once it enters the body? Knowing how the human body absorbs water after it has been consumed is essential to eliminating dehydration and promoting good health. So here is a breakdown of what happens once you drink the magic...

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Ayurveda, balance, Bikram yoga, Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Athletes, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Yoga, dehydration, focus, hot yoga -

That bead of sweat rolling down from your temple to your neck while you remain locked in an empowering warrior one pose isn't just an acknowledgment of your hard work. It's a reminder of the most essential thing your body needs to improve your workout: proper hydration. The benefits of hydration and yoga are no secret to the ancient science of Ayurveda. Water, as explained in Ayurvedic text, is enlivening, satisfying and pure. And classified as a vital ingredient that enriches the heart stimulates and mind, body and senses. Hydration is simple yet essential for a healthy and powerful yoga...

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brain fog, Category_Digital eye strain, Category_Digital Eye Syndrome, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Hydrus Edge, computer eye strain, computer vision syndrome, dehydration, Digital Eye Strain, digital eye syndrome, eye strain, screen time, visual fatigue -

The average American spends more than 10 hours a day interacting with a smartphone or computer screen, and too much screen time may wreak havoc on your eyes. Digital eye strain, computer vision syndrome and visual fatigue are a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer or tablet and cellphone use. People who spend an extended amount of time staring at screens experience eye discomfort, vision problems, dry eyes, eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, and neck and shoulder pain. According to The Vision Council, 59% of American adults report experiencing symptoms of digital eye strain. Dehydration and...

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Category_Autoimmune, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Sjogren's syndrome, corneal damage, dry eyes, eye exams, lupus, opthamology, primary Sjogren's syndrome, secondary Sjogren's syndrome -

If you suffer from Sjogren's syndrome, dry eyes may not be the only eye problem you have to contend with. New research has found that in addition to dry eyes, people who have Sjogren's syndrome may have damage to the ocular surface of their eyes, according to a recent article in Sjogren's Syndrome News. A study published in the Journal of Rheumatology International found that Sjogren's patients with rheumatoid arthritis experience the most significant degree of damage to their cornea and visual loss. People diagnosed with primary Sjogren's syndrome ( if you have don't have any other autoimmune disease) were...

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Category_Dehydration, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Workplace, dehydration, hydration, Hydrus, productivity, screen time, workplace productivity -

What if there was a simple fix that could boost your performance at work while working remotely or from home? Well, there is: it's proper hydration. While it sounds like a simple solution, proper hydration can help you to become more productive and complete tasks faster. Here's why. Seventy percent of the human body is composed of one essential ingredient: water. Adopting a daily hydration routine can provide vital health benefit to boost your performance at work. Here are five essential benefits derived from proper hydration that will improve your work productivity and keep you healthy. 1.Better Focus A review...

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