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Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Athletes, Category_Dehydration, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Dry Mouth, Category_Hydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, cramps, daily adult hydration, dehydration, dry eye, dry mouth, dry nose, dry skin, dry vagina, fatigue, headaches, hydration, Hydrus, joint pain, muscle ache, muscle cramps, muscle pain, muscle spasms, poor sleep, saliva -

Why Water Alone Is Not Enough We’ve all heard the standard advice that drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day can boost hydration. But drinking water alone is not going to solve your body’s dehydration issues. Your hydration needs depend on your age, body weight, medical conditions, medications, activity levels, diet, alcohol intake and environmental conditions. In addition, travel and altitude can cause dehydration. And just boosting your intake of water doesn’t ensure that the electrolytes and nutrients are adequately absorbed into the bloodstream, interstitial cavities and cells. Drinking water alone does not replace all the electrolytes your...

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Category_Brain Fog, Category_Dehydration, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Dry Mouth, Category_Dry Nose, Category_Dry Skin, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Muscle pain, Category_Muscle recovery, dehydrated, dehydration, dry eyes, dry mouth, dry nose, dryness, fatigue, hydration, mental fatigue, muscle spasms -

Does your mouth, throat, or nose feel dry and scratchy when you get up in the morning? Do you feel tired only hours after waking up in the morning? Do pains and aches start to kick in around in the early afternoon? By 3 PM, are you so tired that you can hardly keep your eyes open without a critical cup of coffee? Well, you may be dehydrated. While many of us may experience these symptoms every day, we often dismiss them as being a part of "early morning state" and never really get to the bottom of why the...

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