Study Finds Women with Sjogren's Syndrome At High Risk for Eye Damage & Vision Loss

Category_Autoimmune, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Sjogren's syndrome, corneal damage, dry eyes, eye exams, lupus, opthamology, primary Sjogren's syndrome, secondary Sjogren's syndrome -

Study Finds Women with Sjogren's Syndrome At High Risk for Eye Damage & Vision Loss

If you suffer from Sjogren's syndrome, dry eyes may not be the only eye problem you have to contend with. New research has found that in addition to dry eyes, people who have Sjogren's syndrome may have damage to the ocular surface of their eyes, according to a recent article in Sjogren's Syndrome News. A study published in the Journal of Rheumatology International found that Sjogren's patients with rheumatoid arthritis experience the most significant degree of damage to their cornea and visual loss. People diagnosed with primary Sjogren's syndrome ( if you have don't have any other autoimmune disease) were among the second-highest to experience damage to their cornea.

Dry Eyes & Ocular Eye Damage

Scientists found eye damage commonly occurs in the outer layer of the cornea, and inflammation in the eye's outer white and underlying layer. Researchers at the Tecnologico de Monterrey, Institute of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, in Mexico, analyzed the medical records of 233 women and 16 men diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome. Nearly 40% (99) of the cases analyzed were people with primary Sjogren's syndrome, while the remaining 60% of the group was composed of people with secondary Sjogren's. The secondary group included 95 people with rheumatoid arthritis, 44 cases of people diagnosed with Lupus, and a few other autoimmune conditions. Eye tests for dry eyes (Schirmer I test, ocular surfacing training) found that nearly 46% of all cases had dry eyes and significantly less tear production. And as expected, people who suffered from the worst corneal damage had poor vision.

Early Diagnosis Improves Quality of Life

Researchers say eye examinations are essential for early diagnosis and detection and can improve the quality of life for patients diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome and associated autoimmune disorders. "In general, considering the results of the present study, we must emphasize that an appropriate diagnosis, including an early ophthalmologic examination, as well as adequate multidisciplinary management will allow better visual quality and hence, a better quality of life for patients with Sjögren syndrome and its associated autoimmune systemic disorders," the researchers stated. People with Sjogren's syndrome who used Hydrus found at 78% reduction in dry eyes in less than 5 days. Hydrus has helped relieve symptoms related to Sjogren's and other autoimmune conditions such as dry eyes, dry mouth, joint pain, and fatigue. Take the Hydrus Challenge Now, and See How HYDRUS helps relieve dry eyes and dehydration!

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