Category_Hydration RSS

attorney wellness, Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Brain Fog, Category_Corporate Health/ Wellness, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Dry Mouth, Category_Hydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Nutrition, Category_Workplace, corporate wellness, employee wellness, focus, headaches, mental fatigue, workplace productivity -

While we often talk about how hydration can help our body to feel and perform better, its impact on workplace performance is a topic that is often overlooked. Water is an essential ingredient and vital for all life to exist. And replenishing it throughout the day is critical to employee health, wellness and performance. Mild Dehydration Can Reduce Workplace Productivity Nearly 73% of our brain is water, so it shouldn't surprise you to learn that dehydration has a significant impact on your mind. At just 1% of body water loss, workers begin experiencing decreased cognitive abilities, reduced concentration and alertness,...

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Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Brain Fog, Category_Children, Category_Dehydration, Category_Digital eye strain, Category_Digital Eye Syndrome, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Hydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, children, computer eye strain, concentration, dehydration, focus, mild dehydration, remote learning, screen time, teens -

As more parents adapt to remote schooling in post-COVID, helping your child achieve best results while learning from home has become top of mind for many parents. A number of studies have shown that proper hydration can enhance your child's cognitive performance. A recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that hydration (water intake) can have a significant impact on the cognitive performance of preadolescent children. The study led by a team of researchers at the University of Illinois investigated the relationship between hydration and cognitive control of children who were between nine to 11 years old. Researchers...

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autoimmune disease, Behchet's disease, Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Autoimmune, Category_Dehydration, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Dry Mouth, Category_Fibromyalgia, Category_Hydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Joint Pain, Category_Medications, Category_Muscle pain, Category_Sjogren's syndrome, Category_Vaginal Dryness, dehydration, lupus, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), primary Sjogren's syndrome -

About a month ago, Shari Nelson woke up and couldn’t swallow. Her dry mouth caused by Sjogren’s Syndrome was so bad that she couldn’t feel the inside of her throat and esophagus. “It wasn’t just dryness. It was a terrifying feeling when you wake up and can’t swallow. It makes it hard to breathe. It took nearly a bottle of water to be able to take a breath. My husband and I knew we needed to find a solution,” Shari said. Shari who had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjogren’s Syndrome and Bischett’s five years ago, said she needed fast...

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Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Athletes, Category_Dehydration, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Dry Mouth, Category_Hydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, cramps, daily adult hydration, dehydration, dry eye, dry mouth, dry nose, dry skin, dry vagina, fatigue, headaches, hydration, Hydrus, joint pain, muscle ache, muscle cramps, muscle pain, muscle spasms, poor sleep, saliva -

Why Water Alone Is Not Enough We’ve all heard the standard advice that drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day can boost hydration. But drinking water alone is not going to solve your body’s dehydration issues. Your hydration needs depend on your age, body weight, medical conditions, medications, activity levels, diet, alcohol intake and environmental conditions. In addition, travel and altitude can cause dehydration. And just boosting your intake of water doesn’t ensure that the electrolytes and nutrients are adequately absorbed into the bloodstream, interstitial cavities and cells. Drinking water alone does not replace all the electrolytes your...

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attorney wellness, Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Athletes, Category_Corporate Health/ Wellness, Category_Dehydration, Category_Hydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Workplace, corporate wellness, hydration, work-life balance -

While the legal profession opens the door to a highly rewarding career, many attorneys can find themselves suffering from physical and mental health issues caused by high levels of stress and burnout. Attorney wellness is increasing become a significant issue. According to a recent ALM Mental Health Survey, most legal professionals believe their mental well-being is worse off as a result of their chosen career. The survey found that 31.2% of respondents feel they are depressed, 64% felt anxious. Nearly 10.1% of respondents indicated that they had an alcohol problem. Excessively long workdays, confrontational interactions, demanding clients, phone calls and...

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