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attorney wellness, Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Brain Fog, Category_Corporate Health/ Wellness, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Dry Mouth, Category_Hydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Nutrition, Category_Workplace, corporate wellness, employee wellness, focus, headaches, mental fatigue, workplace productivity -

While we often talk about how hydration can help our body to feel and perform better, its impact on workplace performance is a topic that is often overlooked. Water is an essential ingredient and vital for all life to exist. And replenishing it throughout the day is critical to employee health, wellness and performance. Mild Dehydration Can Reduce Workplace Productivity Nearly 73% of our brain is water, so it shouldn't surprise you to learn that dehydration has a significant impact on your mind. At just 1% of body water loss, workers begin experiencing decreased cognitive abilities, reduced concentration and alertness,...

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Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Corporate Health/ Wellness, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Workplace, employee wellness, remote employees, remote work, wellness programs, workplace productivity -

Employees are an essential component of your organization's success. A thriving organization is built upon a healthy and happy workforce and a company that focuses on employees' physical and mental well being. While many companies implement health and corporate wellness programs, few can measure the impact of their efforts beyond assessing workplace/ employee satisfaction. Wellness initiatives such as events, presentations and screenings are trendy, but they often fall short of boosting health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. As a corporate health and wellness professional, you must implement programs and initiatives that are measurable and improve health and healthcare costs. The...

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Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Workplace, dehydration, Digital Eye Strain, remote working, tech workers, workplace, workplace productivity -

No longer just a perk, remote working has become an essential part of the post-pandemic life for millions of Americans. Nearly 25% of the U.S. workforce already works from home at least part of the time, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In a recent survey, a whopping 74% of respondents in an annual study believe that remote working has become the "new normal." Here's a brief look at trends in remote work growth. Remote Working: Integrating Work and Life Working from home in post-pandemic times has increased pressure on employees' to juggle multiple tasks, leaving...

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Category_Dehydration, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Workplace, dehydration, hydration, Hydrus, productivity, screen time, workplace productivity -

What if there was a simple fix that could boost your performance at work while working remotely or from home? Well, there is: it's proper hydration. While it sounds like a simple solution, proper hydration can help you to become more productive and complete tasks faster. Here's why. Seventy percent of the human body is composed of one essential ingredient: water. Adopting a daily hydration routine can provide vital health benefit to boost your performance at work. Here are five essential benefits derived from proper hydration that will improve your work productivity and keep you healthy. 1.Better Focus A review...

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