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arthritis, Category_Hydrus Edge, hydration, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis -

For people with arthritis, chronic dehydration impacts more than just outward symptoms such as thirst, headaches, and fatigue. Dehydration causes an increase in joint pain, muscle aches and inflammation in the body. Chronic dehydration can become a bigger problem for people with arthritis, especially during summer months, when our joint cartilage may be more likely to lose water. If you are experiencing increased stiffness, swelling, inflammation and flare-ups more often, proper hydration or balancing electrolyte and water inside your joints can help to relieve discomfort and ease symptoms. According to the Arthritis Foundation, there are more than 100 types of...

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Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Fitness Trainers & Gyms, Category_Hydrus Edge, fitness training, peloton, virtual training -

The biggest fitness craze in the world right now isn't a new aged yoga school or latest gym contraption, it's a two-wheeled bicycle with a lot of tech: Peloton. The fitness company's profits are soaring, especially as the coronavirus pandemic is holding people captive in their own homes. Peloton is the world's first company to successfully re-create the concept of "connected fitness," previously found only in gyms or private training classes. And the methods the company uses can provide big takeaways for elite trainers looking to reinvent themselves. Double Down On Virtual Classes Many gyms and trainers are doubling down...

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antibody tests, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Immunity, COVID-19 antibody tests, COVID-19 diagnostic tests, COVID-19 testing, immune system -

As more of us consider getting tested for Covid-19 to protect our loved ones, coworkers and friends from harm, it's critical to understand how Covid-19 tests work and precisely what they do. Here is some essential information that you should know before you take a Covid-19 test. Two Kinds of Covid-19 Tests, Diagnostic & Antibody The first thing to know is that there are two types of tests available for the coronavirus: diagnostic tests and antibody tests. Sometimes these tests are also referred to as "molecular" and "serological." If you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 you will probably go through...

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bike to work, Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Hydrus Edge, covid-19, hiking, hydration, outdoors, walk to work -

Covid-19 has fundamentally changed how we do things- including getting to work, exercising, and spending time with family. Outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and walking have seen a boost as more people try to access the outdoors during quarantine. Chicago and New York City have seen a spike in biking and walking to work since the pandemic. Mayors and public officials are encouraging commuters to use alternate means of transportation to avoid crowded trains and buses to curb the spread of the virus. New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio announced that the city will add more than 100...

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Category_Fitness Trainers & Gyms, Category_Hydrus Edge, covid-19, fitness studio, gyms, trainers -

In a post-COVID-19 era, gym owners and trainers will have to reinvent themselves. And sometimes, figuring out exactly where to start can be the biggest challenge. Like many businesses, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused gyms and fitness studios across the nation to shut down for months. Now, as we are finally starting to see some states re-opening businesses, you must remain proactive about communicating with your clients and have a strategy to keep your business going. The first and most difficult decision that many of you will need to make is when to re-open. In areas where stay at home...

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