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blood sugar, Category_Dehydration, Category_Diabetes, Category_Hydrus Edge, diabetes, electrolytes, Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, water loss -

Many of us may not be aware that there's an unrelentingly vicious cycle between diabetes and dehydration. And understanding how this cycle works and how to best deal with it can be the key to unlocking good health and wellness for millions of Americans with diabetes. More than 34 million people or one in ten adults over the age of 20 in the US have been diagnosed with diabetes. And each year, more than 1.4 million new cases of diabetes are confirmed, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC estimates that there could be...

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Category_Dehydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Nutrition, hydration, ketogenic diet, ketosis -

Rapid weight loss and being able to eat foods that you like are two main reasons why people love the ketogenic diet (keto diet). But as more people embark on their low-carb journeys, managing dehydration and water intake become more crucial than ever. According to experts, dehydration is one of the most common effects of ketogenic diets. Carbohydrates help our body to hold more sodium and with it also more water, but when we deplete our body of carbohydrate intake, the water and electrolytes go with it. For every one gram of carbohydrate, our body stores an average of 3...

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Category_Dehydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Joint Pain, chronic pain, hydration, pain sensation -

Just like it’s essential to eat a healthy diet to keep your body functioning well, many of us already know that dehydration can cause pain in our muscles and joints. But now, there’s scientific evidence that dehydration might directly impact the way we neurologically “perceive” or “experience” pain. Nearly 50 million or one in five (20.4%) adults suffered from chronic pain in the United States, according to data collected by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2016. More than 8% of adults in the U.S. reported having high-impact chronic pain - and its prevalence advanced significantly with age. Dehydration...

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Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_POTS, dehydration, Dysautonomia ., hydration, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome -

Pat White was athletic, vibrant, and active for his first 52 years of his life, until he was stricken with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS, which debilitated him so severely that it kept him bedridden for most of the next 5+ years. Within two weeks, Pat's life changed for the better. His best friend discovered the Hydrus Challenge (see and suggested he give it a try to combat his chronic dehydration. He was intrigued with the science behind Hydrus, the Nanosome(TM) electrolyte encapsulation. Pat immediately placed an order for Hydrus. It arrived two days later, just before he...

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Category_Dry Skin, Category_Hydrus Edge, dehydration, eczema, psoriasis -

When we often talk about dehydration and skin, it's essential to know that there's a big difference between having naturally dry skin and severe skin conditions caused by dehydration. Dry Skin vs. Dehydration Having naturally dry skin is a skin type and can usually be addressed by applying topical skin treatments like moisturizers with hydrating ingredients. Most people are born with a specific skin type: normal, oily, combination and dry. While our skin type can change over time as we age and seasonally, especially in the winters, it's not the same as having dehydrated skin caused by a severe medical...

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