Category_Dry Eyes RSS

Category_Brain Fog, Category_Dehydration, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Dry Mouth, Category_Dry Nose, Category_Dry Skin, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Muscle pain, Category_Muscle recovery, dehydrated, dehydration, dry eyes, dry mouth, dry nose, dryness, fatigue, hydration, mental fatigue, muscle spasms -

Does your mouth, throat, or nose feel dry and scratchy when you get up in the morning? Do you feel tired only hours after waking up in the morning? Do pains and aches start to kick in around in the early afternoon? By 3 PM, are you so tired that you can hardly keep your eyes open without a critical cup of coffee? Well, you may be dehydrated. While many of us may experience these symptoms every day, we often dismiss them as being a part of "early morning state" and never really get to the bottom of why the...

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Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Dehydration, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Hydrus Edge, computer eye strain, computer vision syndrome, diet tips, dry eyes, eye strain, hydration -

More than 4 million Americans suffer from dry eyes experiencing frequent bouts of redness, burning and blurred vision with little option other than turning to expensive eye drops and other topical medications to prevent the discomfort caused by dry eyes. Many of these costly solutions hurt your pocketbook while relieving symptoms only temporarily. But did you know that consuming a proper diet can help to relieve symptoms of dry eyes naturally, saving you money while boosting your health? Here are some tips that can help to prevent dry eyes and boost your health. Because each one of us has a...

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Category_Active lifestyle, Category_Dehydration, Category_Dry Eyes, Category_Hydration, Category_Hydrus Edge, Category_Nutrition, cellular hydration, computer vision syndrome, dehydration, dry eyes, hydration, tear evaporation -

Yes, proper hydration and eye health are connected. Just like much of our bodies, our eyes are made up mostly of water. With water being an essential component in our eyes, it should be no surprise that dry eyes can be caused by dehydration and lead to vision-related problems such as redness, burning, scratchy eyes, sensitivity to light, watery eyes, blurred vision, and eye fatigue. About 83% of the interior of our eyeballs are filled with a jellylike substance called vitreous humor, and it's made up of 98% water. The other 17% is filled with a liquid called aqueous humor....

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